Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Planting bush beans--still learning

I tried to start a row of bush beans a few weeks ago. Every single bean failed to germinate. I'm sure I didn't know it was going to be so hot that week. If I remember correctly the temperatures were in the upper 90s and they were in full sun. I know now that I just didn't keep them watered enough and the moisture was evaporating so fast out of that upper layer of soil that the seeds had no chance. You would think I would have learned how to water seedlings by now?!

A few days ago, Daniel gave it another try. This time he planted 3 rows and then covered them with a layer of wheat straw to help prevent moisture loss. Lots of the beans have already sprouted. Hopefully we will have a big late harvest of green beans in September.
The lilies pictured below were planted in the yard when we got here. Daniel transplanted them to a nice spot near the vegetables and they are a joy to walk by while out checking on the garden.


  1. I don't think I've ever done it, but I've read about soaking beans for 4-5 hours before planting as it's the moisture that kicks off the enzymes in the bean and sets the growth process in motion. Soaking them (like soaking wheat or beans for sprouting to eat) just gives them a "wet" advantage before going in the ground.

  2. Just gone through your blog and found it wonderful. It was nice going through your blog. Keep on posting.

  3. I wish you were still blogging this year. I am gardening for the first time in Columbia and learning as I go!
